Robert Godfrey receipts, 1665-1799
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To Dry Pippins; Take pippins when they have a dry bodie cut them in halves & take out the coare & put them in faire water as fast as you pare them then take them forth of the water & put them in warme water & let them boile till they bee prittie tender take ye weight of ye pippins in sugar & whilst they boile make your sirrup almost to a candie height then put your pippins into the hott sirrup let them boile apace & when they have done take them a little while from the fire & sett them on a little while after soe doe 4 or 5 times then lett them boil till your sirrup will come like a thred betweene your fingers & then take them cleane forth of the sirrup & lay them uppon glasses & store them. To drie Figgs; Take your Figgs when they are very ripe weigh them take their weight in sugar melt it verie thinn & when it is thyn enough put in your figgs & lett them boile apace untill they be tender and fall. Let them lie in the sirrup until the next day then take them cleane from the sirrup & sett them into the stove when they begin a little to drie dust a little fine sugar uppon them thyn through a piece of tiffeny. To make Culleringe to drie with Barberies Take the Barberies when they are ripe 3 or 4 handfulls pick them from the stalks & put them in a skillet with half a pint of springe water & as much roach Allum as walnuts soe sett it on the fire & lett it boile till more then half the water bee wasted then strain it out but wringe it not hard when it is cold put upp in viols for your use.
To Dry Pippins; Take pippins when they have a dry bodie cut them in halves & take out the coare & put them in faire water as fast as you pare them then take them forth of the water & put them in warme water & let them boile till they bee prittie tender take ye weight of ye pippins in sugar & whilst they boile make your sirrup almost to a candie height then put your pippins into the hott sirrup let them boile apace & when they have done take them a little while from the fire & sett them on a little while after soe doe 4 or 5 times then lett them boil till your sirrup will come like a thred betweene your fingers & then take them cleane forth of the sirrup & lay them uppon glasses & store them. To drie Figgs; Take your Figgs when they are very ripe weigh them take their weight in sugar melt it verie thinn & when it is thyn enough put in your figgs & lett them boile apace untill they be tender and fall. Let them lie in the sirrup until the next day then take them cleane from the sirrup & sett them into the stove when they begin a little to drie dust a little fine sugar uppon them thyn through a piece of tiffeny. To make Culleringe to drie with Barberies Take the Barberies when they are ripe 3 or 4 handfulls pick them from the stalks & put them in a skillet with half a pint of springe water & as much roach Allum as walnuts soe sett it on the fire & lett it boile till more then half the water bee wasted then strain it out but wringe it not hard when it is cold put upp in viols for your use.
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks