Robert Godfrey receipts, 1665-1799
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To dress a pike Take a male pike, a pond pike, fedd by hand yf you can take this pike you have the best pike, rubb his slyme of whilst hee is liveinge wth. bay salt haveinge well cleansed the outside wipe him with a cloth lay him a large dish or tray open him soe as you break not his gawl cut him according to the size of the fish into 2 or 3 peices all the peices from the head to the taile peice must be splitted this beinge done they are to be laid as flatt as you can in the great dish or tray poure uppon it half a pint of good wine vineger more or less accordinge to the size of the fish then throw uppon the inside of peices white salt plentifully yf you can gett bay salt beaten small your pike will have the better rellish whilst this is doeinge lett a skillett with sufficient quantitie of Rhenish wine or for default of good wine be put over the fire with the wine, salt nutmegs quarterd ginger & onion 4 or more cloves of garlick a branch of sweet herbs (virt) organ time sweet margerum rosemery the peele of half a lemon lett theis boile to the height & then put in your pike with the vineger in such manner as not to quench nor allay if it be possibly, the heat of the licquor this may be done by puttinge in the thickest peice that will ask most boylinge first & your vineger last of all while your pike boileth take three quarters of a pound of unchoves 1 lb of verie good butter a sawcer or more of faire water of the licquor the pike, is boilinge in take some out & dissolve the unchoves in it then beat this dissolved unchoves with the water untill it bee thick the pike taken upp the sawce is to be poured on & allmond squeezed; noate that the licquor the sawce the spice & all tho'ther ingredients must follow the proportion of the pike if your sauce seeme too strong of the unchoves add more faire water to it;
To dress a pike Take a male pike, a pond pike, fedd by hand yf you can take this pike you have the best pike, rubb his slyme of whilst hee is liveinge wth. bay salt haveinge well cleansed the outside wipe him with a cloth lay him a large dish or tray open him soe as you break not his gawl cut him according to the size of the fish into 2 or 3 peices all the peices from the head to the taile peice must be splitted this beinge done they are to be laid as flatt as you can in the great dish or tray poure uppon it half a pint of good wine vineger more or less accordinge to the size of the fish then throw uppon the inside of peices white salt plentifully yf you can gett bay salt beaten small your pike will have the better rellish whilst this is doeinge lett a skillett with sufficient quantitie of Rhenish wine or for default of good wine be put over the fire with the wine, salt nutmegs quarterd ginger & onion 4 or more cloves of garlick a branch of sweet herbs (virt) organ time sweet margerum rosemery the peele of half a lemon lett theis boile to the height & then put in your pike with the vineger in such manner as not to quench nor allay if it be possibly, the heat of the licquor this may be done by puttinge in the thickest peice that will ask most boylinge first & your vineger last of all while your pike boileth take three quarters of a pound of unchoves 1 lb of verie good butter a sawcer or more of faire water of the licquor the pike, is boilinge in take some out & dissolve the unchoves in it then beat this dissolved unchoves with the water untill it bee thick the pike taken upp the sawce is to be poured on & allmond squeezed; noate that the licquor the sawce the spice & all tho'ther ingredients must follow the proportion of the pike if your sauce seeme too strong of the unchoves add more faire water to it;
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks