Robert Godfrey receipts, 1665-1799
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To Hash Chickens parboyle your chickens then cut them in quarters & sett them on ye. fire in a skillett of water with a little salt & parsley chopt when they are almost boyled beat the yelks of three eggs to 2 chickens & mingle them verie well together in the skillett & when they are a little hardened take upp the chickens cleane from the water in a dish & melt good store of butter & powre it on them & wringe on them some lemon lay sliced lemons uppon them. To hash a Rabbett Roast a couple of rabbetts with parsley in their bellies take one of them before it be quite roasted then take 2 or 3 spoonfulls of fair water as much creame sett it uppon a chaffing dish [upon?] fire. shred in a little lemon peele & parsley then mince the Rabbett & stir it together with some butter lemon salt when the other rabbett is boyled lay the hash uppon it & searfe it with slices of lemon laid uppon it, A Receipt for Bakeing of venison in potts take the half hanch & bone it as you doe to boyle & take a quantity of pepper nutmegg & salt & mix them together & with your knife make holes in the leane side of the venison & stuff it with your fingers thinn put into an earthen pott the fatt side down ward & lay upon 2 or 3 lb. of butter & cover it with an earthen platter & close it with paste that noe Aire gett into it & lett it stand in the oven some houres & when you draw it open the cover & lay a little tile or some leaden weight uppon it to make it settle downe to the bottom ye pott. A pritty way to make an oyster pye; Make a Coffin round & bake it in the oven then fry your great oysters in sweet butter & put them in that pye & fry some parsley & put in the top of them & for the liquor put butter & vinegar & a little suger, roast oysters in the shells and lay round about the pye in the hollow shells.
To Hash Chickens parboyle your chickens then cut them in quarters & sett them on ye. fire in a skillett of water with a little salt & parsley chopt when they are almost boyled beat the yelks of three eggs to 2 chickens & mingle them verie well together in the skillett & when they are a little hardened take upp the chickens cleane from the water in a dish & melt good store of butter & powre it on them & wringe on them some lemon lay sliced lemons uppon them. To hash a Rabbett Roast a couple of rabbetts with parsley in their bellies take one of them before it be quite roasted then take 2 or 3 spoonfulls of fair water as much creame sett it uppon a chaffing dish [upon?] fire. shred in a little lemon peele & parsley then mince the Rabbett & stir it together with some butter lemon salt when the other rabbett is boyled lay the hash uppon it & searfe it with slices of lemon laid uppon it, A Receipt for Bakeing of venison in potts take the half hanch & bone it as you doe to boyle & take a quantity of pepper nutmegg & salt & mix them together & with your knife make holes in the leane side of the venison & stuff it with your fingers thinn put into an earthen pott the fatt side down ward & lay upon 2 or 3 lb. of butter & cover it with an earthen platter & close it with paste that noe Aire gett into it & lett it stand in the oven some houres & when you draw it open the cover & lay a little tile or some leaden weight uppon it to make it settle downe to the bottom ye pott. A pritty way to make an oyster pye; Make a Coffin round & bake it in the oven then fry your great oysters in sweet butter & put them in that pye & fry some parsley & put in the top of them & for the liquor put butter & vinegar & a little suger, roast oysters in the shells and lay round about the pye in the hollow shells.
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks