Robert Godfrey receipts, 1665-1799
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To make a pure Rich oyster pye, you must season it with nutmegg & cinamon & a little pepper & salt & put into your pye good store of marrow hard Eggs dates whole mace & suger & bake them in sweet butter, To dress a Trowt, Boile your trowt in water & salt & a bundle of herbs or any other fish to sowce & put vineger into the licquor, To dress lobsters & crawfish, take them & boyle them with water beere & salt & for shrimps & prunes with only beere & salt, To make a french dish,take a peice of a legg of veale about an Inch thick as bigg as will lie within the dish you meane to hash the veale [with?] y.e backside of a chopping knife on both sides verie well, then take time winter savory parsley sweet margerum of all one hand full chopt small, with a little pepper & salt strewed uppon the meats then take a little sweet butter & spread it ouer the meate & some in the bottom with 2 or 3 spoonfuls of vineger then couer it with a dish & bake it in an oven when it is enough take 2 Eggs & beat them with 2 or 3 spoonfuls of the licquor and poure out the rest of the licquor then powre the Eggs uppon it & sett it uppon a few coales & lett it harden a little soe serue it in[,/?] Sawsages take of the same proportion of ye [Rareing?] of a hogg as of the fatt of the flea ad to it a little grated bread season it with pepper salt & nutmegg & rose water, beat them all together & put it into porker gutts or less gutts If you like
To make a pure Rich oyster pye, you must season it with nutmegg & cinamon & a little pepper & salt & put into your pye good store of marrow hard Eggs dates whole mace & suger & bake them in sweet butter, To dress a Trowt, Boile your trowt in water & salt & a bundle of herbs or any other fish to sowce & put vineger into the licquor, To dress lobsters & crawfish, take them & boyle them with water beere & salt & for shrimps & prunes with only beere & salt, To make a french dish,take a peice of a legg of veale about an Inch thick as bigg as will lie within the dish you meane to hash the veale [with?] y.e backside of a chopping knife on both sides verie well, then take time winter savory parsley sweet margerum of all one hand full chopt small, with a little pepper & salt strewed uppon the meats then take a little sweet butter & spread it ouer the meate & some in the bottom with 2 or 3 spoonfuls of vineger then couer it with a dish & bake it in an oven when it is enough take 2 Eggs & beat them with 2 or 3 spoonfuls of the licquor and poure out the rest of the licquor then powre the Eggs uppon it & sett it uppon a few coales & lett it harden a little soe serue it in[,/?] Sawsages take of the same proportion of ye [Rareing?] of a hogg as of the fatt of the flea ad to it a little grated bread season it with pepper salt & nutmegg & rose water, beat them all together & put it into porker gutts or less gutts If you like
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks