Robert Godfrey receipts, 1665-1799
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To make a haggis pudding Take the heart & part of the lights kidneys & little of the liver a piece of mutton parboyle them well & when they be thoroughly cold mince them very small with as much or more sennet as there is meat then season it with salt pepper cloves mace 3 or 4 yolks of eggs so mingle it very well together and put into the marve of the speepe it being made very clean and sweet then soew it up and boyle it in a port by itself for 5 hours. Cover not the pot there much be added to this receipt of the pudding. 3 or 4 spoonfuls of currans time pars lie sweet margerum chopped very small and a little grated bread To make a french pudding Take some bread cut in square pieces and lay it in a dish then lay a few reasons dates marrow grates almonds and pistatiarrs then boile your creame & put in 3 yolks of eggs, well beaten, season it with sugar and rose water and nutmeg then bake it after manchet you must make 2 layers of the things. To make little puddings to put in pyes or in dishes of boild meat Take 4 yolks of eggs and a little of the thickest creame mingle them as much Grated bread as well make it stiff enough then shred a few sweet herbs and also shred dates and reasons of the sonne & put into it with a pretty quantitie of marrow cut small season it with nutmeg and ginger and whatever spice you like when it is well mingled. Rowl it up in little round balls , if you bake them you must wrap them pup in the cawl of a breast of a veal & lay them in a pye or season your pye with dates marrow and yolk of hard eggs and a little pepper and salt. When it comes out of the oven put in a little verges or white wine & sugar & put so much butter in your pye to bake it as you shall think fitt.
To make a haggis pudding Take the heart & part of the lights kidneys & little of the liver a piece of mutton parboyle them well & when they be thoroughly cold mince them very small with as much or more sennet as there is meat then season it with salt pepper cloves mace 3 or 4 yolks of eggs so mingle it very well together and put into the marve of the speepe it being made very clean and sweet then soew it up and boyle it in a port by itself for 5 hours. Cover not the pot there much be added to this receipt of the pudding. 3 or 4 spoonfuls of currans time pars lie sweet margerum chopped very small and a little grated bread To make a french pudding Take some bread cut in square pieces and lay it in a dish then lay a few reasons dates marrow grates almonds and pistatiarrs then boile your creame & put in 3 yolks of eggs, well beaten, season it with sugar and rose water and nutmeg then bake it after manchet you must make 2 layers of the things. To make little puddings to put in pyes or in dishes of boild meat Take 4 yolks of eggs and a little of the thickest creame mingle them as much Grated bread as well make it stiff enough then shred a few sweet herbs and also shred dates and reasons of the sonne & put into it with a pretty quantitie of marrow cut small season it with nutmeg and ginger and whatever spice you like when it is well mingled. Rowl it up in little round balls , if you bake them you must wrap them pup in the cawl of a breast of a veal & lay them in a pye or season your pye with dates marrow and yolk of hard eggs and a little pepper and salt. When it comes out of the oven put in a little verges or white wine & sugar & put so much butter in your pye to bake it as you shall think fitt.
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks