Robert Godfrey receipts, 1665-1799
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To Make Naples Biskett Take 10 eggs and beat them well together then put to them a quarter of your best powdered sugar and stir them together then put in 6 grains of musk dissolved in rose water & 4 or 5 spoonfuls of sack putt all theis into 1 ls of fine flower and stir them together a quarter of an hour with a spoon fill the frames half full so bake them after they are baked drye them upon paper in the over to make them break short be sure to paper the ends of your frame To Broyle a Pike Take a handful of parslie 2 or 3 onions and chop them very small and with a handful of salt a little vinegar 2 or 3 flakes of mace, put these and the Pike into as much water as will cover it the water must first boyl when it is something more than half boiled draw out the water out of the kettle and put in as much butter as will make it swim 2 anchovies some oyster and one cockle & boyle it till it be enough. To Roaste a Pike Take a little handful of Capers one pickle herring and some oysters and cast a Bay Leafe and some Brown bread crumbs with a sufficient quantity of salt, chop this very small with a good quantity of butter, make up all into a paste. Draw the pike but do not scald it, then take this paste some oysters and cockles and 2 or 3 bay leaves and fill up the belly of it and sowe it up put it on the spitt and tye it with a packthrid as it roasts bast it with butter when it is enough and of from the spit open the belly of it, take out the paste and with 3 or anchovies dissolved all in a good quantity of butter fry some sippers in fresh butter lay them att the bottom of the dish & sue power all on
To Make Naples Biskett Take 10 eggs and beat them well together then put to them a quarter of your best powdered sugar and stir them together then put in 6 grains of musk dissolved in rose water & 4 or 5 spoonfuls of sack putt all theis into 1 ls of fine flower and stir them together a quarter of an hour with a spoon fill the frames half full so bake them after they are baked drye them upon paper in the over to make them break short be sure to paper the ends of your frame To Broyle a Pike Take a handful of parslie 2 or 3 onions and chop them very small and with a handful of salt a little vinegar 2 or 3 flakes of mace, put these and the Pike into as much water as will cover it the water must first boyl when it is something more than half boiled draw out the water out of the kettle and put in as much butter as will make it swim 2 anchovies some oyster and one cockle & boyle it till it be enough. To Roaste a Pike Take a little handful of Capers one pickle herring and some oysters and cast a Bay Leafe and some Brown bread crumbs with a sufficient quantity of salt, chop this very small with a good quantity of butter, make up all into a paste. Draw the pike but do not scald it, then take this paste some oysters and cockles and 2 or 3 bay leaves and fill up the belly of it and sowe it up put it on the spitt and tye it with a packthrid as it roasts bast it with butter when it is enough and of from the spit open the belly of it, take out the paste and with 3 or anchovies dissolved all in a good quantity of butter fry some sippers in fresh butter lay them att the bottom of the dish & sue power all on
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks