Robert Godfrey receipts, 1665-1799
Page 62
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To Dry Neats Tongues- take half of Bay Salt half of White Salt to make A Brian as strong as will bear an Egg, boyle it Very well, and Scum it then take a Quarter of a pound of Saltpetter bruise it very well and fine and Stir it well into it when it is cold take your toungues and Cut of the Roots handsomely and wash them very well in water and Salt Dry them then put them into thiss Brian Turning them Every Day and let them lie 10 days in the pickell then take them out and Rubb them and hang them in A Chimney where you Burn Wood for a Week and after keep them Dry- To Make Bath Biskett- take 3 pound and a half of flower and A Quarter of a pound of Sugar and 2 or ounce of Carraway Seeds and half a pint of good barm then take a pint of milk and Water together put into it a Quarterr of Apound of Butter Set it on the fire till boyle then pour it into the flower and Other things and mix them well together with as much Cold Milk as will make it into a paste not too Stiff Role them out in Cakes what Compass you please and prick them very well before you Bake them-
To Dry Neats Tongues- take half of Bay Salt half of White Salt to make A Brian as strong as will bear an Egg, boyle it Very well, and Scum it then take a Quarter of a pound of Saltpetter bruise it very well and fine and Stir it well into it when it is cold take your toungues and Cut of the Roots handsomely and wash them very well in water and Salt Dry them then put them into thiss Brian Turning them Every Day and let them lie 10 days in the pickell then take them out and Rubb them and hang them in A Chimney where you Burn Wood for a Week and after keep them Dry- To Make Bath Biskett- take 3 pound and a half of flower and A Quarter of a pound of Sugar and 2 or ounce of Carraway Seeds and half a pint of good barm then take a pint of milk and Water together put into it a Quarterr of Apound of Butter Set it on the fire till boyle then pour it into the flower and Other things and mix them well together with as much Cold Milk as will make it into a paste not too Stiff Role them out in Cakes what Compass you please and prick them very well before you Bake them-
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks