Robert Godfrey receipts, 1665-1799
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To Make A Froth Posset- take 3 pints of cream or new milk set it on ye. fire yn. take 16 Eggs put all the whites in a bason and beat ye. yolks by themselves with some Sugar and make a custard with them and your milk that is on ye. fire then beat your Eggs to a froth and in your beating put in by degrees 2 Spoonfull of Sack and as much sugar. you must beat ym. to a thick froth with a spoo. put it into another dish, then take half a pint of sack sweeten it to your taste set it on a chafindish of coals in a large bason and when it is hot put in as much of your froth as your sack will require, stirr it well then take your custard and pour upon it, stirr it all one way while you put it in yn. if your froth does not cover the top of your posset with a spoon put in more and stir it well, yn. cover it close with a warm dish and let it stand awhile on ye. fire. it must not be hot you may know when it is enough by puting in your spoon-- To make a Whip Sillibub- take a pint of white wine and less then half a pint of water a little baum and a little spermint a little nutmegg and Lemon peell. steep all these in ye. wine and water sweeten it with ye. best loaf sugar then pour in ye. cream and whip it with a whisk and so lay the froth by spoonfulls in your glasses--
To Make A Froth Posset- take 3 pints of cream or new milk set it on ye. fire yn. take 16 Eggs put all the whites in a bason and beat ye. yolks by themselves with some Sugar and make a custard with them and your milk that is on ye. fire then beat your Eggs to a froth and in your beating put in by degrees 2 Spoonfull of Sack and as much sugar. you must beat ym. to a thick froth with a spoo. put it into another dish, then take half a pint of sack sweeten it to your taste set it on a chafindish of coals in a large bason and when it is hot put in as much of your froth as your sack will require, stirr it well then take your custard and pour upon it, stirr it all one way while you put it in yn. if your froth does not cover the top of your posset with a spoon put in more and stir it well, yn. cover it close with a warm dish and let it stand awhile on ye. fire. it must not be hot you may know when it is enough by puting in your spoon-- To make a Whip Sillibub- take a pint of white wine and less then half a pint of water a little baum and a little spermint a little nutmegg and Lemon peell. steep all these in ye. wine and water sweeten it with ye. best loaf sugar then pour in ye. cream and whip it with a whisk and so lay the froth by spoonfulls in your glasses--
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks