Robert Godfrey receipts, 1665-1799
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To make Oyle of Charity- take one gallond of the best oyle of Olive green sage wormwood and Camamiall Southernwood of each a pound shred these herbs very small and put them into yr. Oyle and let them stand 9 days covered very close stirring ym. together every morning and Evening yn. take of Lavender tops and red rose buds ye. white being [chipt?] off. of each 2 handfull, shred these very small and put ym. into ye. Oyle to the Other herbs, and let them stand 2 or 3 days after the Lavender and rose leaves are put in stirring ym. as before yn. boyle them alltogether over a small fire for 2 hours with continuall stiring all ye. time they are boyling then when they have boyled one take a pint of ye. best Aquavity and put it into it by little and little as it boyles stirring it still during ye. other hour yn. take it from ye. fire and strain it through a course dry cloth and when it is Cold put it into glases and cover them it will keep 2 or 3 years these herbs must be gathered in May when the dew is not on them when you would use thissoyle put a little into a saucer and warm it over ye. fire rub ye. place grieved with your hand being warm a quarter of an hour that you may rub in ye. Oyle very well
To make Oyle of Charity- take one gallond of the best oyle of Olive green sage wormwood and Camamiall Southernwood of each a pound shred these herbs very small and put them into yr. Oyle and let them stand 9 days covered very close stirring ym. together every morning and Evening yn. take of Lavender tops and red rose buds ye. white being [chipt?] off. of each 2 handfull, shred these very small and put ym. into ye. Oyle to the Other herbs, and let them stand 2 or 3 days after the Lavender and rose leaves are put in stirring ym. as before yn. boyle them alltogether over a small fire for 2 hours with continuall stiring all ye. time they are boyling then when they have boyled one take a pint of ye. best Aquavity and put it into it by little and little as it boyles stirring it still during ye. other hour yn. take it from ye. fire and strain it through a course dry cloth and when it is Cold put it into glases and cover them it will keep 2 or 3 years these herbs must be gathered in May when the dew is not on them when you would use thissoyle put a little into a saucer and warm it over ye. fire rub ye. place grieved with your hand being warm a quarter of an hour that you may rub in ye. Oyle very well
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks