Robert Godfrey receipts, 1665-1799
Page 96
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Austin Stumpf My Lady Neales Cordiall Water Take A Quarter of a pint of Aquavita a Quarter of sack a quarter of corn porre water and as much damask rose water and to thifs put these things following half a pound of Rasins of the sun stoned and thread a quarter of an ounce of mace as much cinnamon annyseeds and cloves as much liquorish serped and sliced brkise all these flowers then put them together and take of these flowers following of Reseniary flowers marigold cowslih flowers violets bur ridge flowers clovegille flowers of each one handful and of sage flowers 3 handful take of these herbs sweet marjoram mother of tinne henney royall and blame of each one handful you must put your sack and other waters into a great bottle with a very wide mouth then all [your] spice flowers and herbs well mixed together to them and stop it up with a cork and leather and let it stand steering 12 days then put them altogether into an [ILLEGIBLE] still close hasted up and so still it with a quick fire them draw it of as long as you find any strength in it then let it stand a while after till the fire be out and then put to it half a pound of white sugar candy pounded and feached 9 grams of [Beasor] stone 3 grains of amber grease of grains of musk all ground very small 12 grains of majester all of pearls one henneyworth of saffron with you must tye up in a little cinnen bagg with the musk and make it all fast to the neck of the bottle so shake it together when you use it.
Austin Stumpf My Lady Neales Cordiall Water Take A Quarter of a pint of Aquavita a Quarter of sack a quarter of corn porre water and as much damask rose water and to thifs put these things following half a pound of Rasins of the sun stoned and thread a quarter of an ounce of mace as much cinnamon annyseeds and cloves as much liquorish serped and sliced brkise all these flowers then put them together and take of these flowers following of Reseniary flowers marigold cowslih flowers violets bur ridge flowers clovegille flowers of each one handful and of sage flowers 3 handful take of these herbs sweet marjoram mother of tinne henney royall and blame of each one handful you must put your sack and other waters into a great bottle with a very wide mouth then all [your] spice flowers and herbs well mixed together to them and stop it up with a cork and leather and let it stand steering 12 days then put them altogether into an [ILLEGIBLE] still close hasted up and so still it with a quick fire them draw it of as long as you find any strength in it then let it stand a while after till the fire be out and then put to it half a pound of white sugar candy pounded and feached 9 grams of [Beasor] stone 3 grains of amber grease of grains of musk all ground very small 12 grains of majester all of pearls one henneyworth of saffron with you must tye up in a little cinnen bagg with the musk and make it all fast to the neck of the bottle so shake it together when you use it.
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks