Robert Godfrey receipts, 1665-1799
Page 99
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To Make Mince Pyes ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 99 take neats tonges and boyle y.m till they will peale y.n Cut away y.e kernells and nots and all y.e hard skines y-n weigh y.e rest of it and to every pound of meat put one pound of stewed reasons one pound of Currant and mince one half of them wit y.e meat and sewit chop it very fine and mix it all together with Cloves ace and nutmegs Cinnamon sugar and salt to your taste the spice must be of an equall quantity one to another and put to every pound of tonges a quarter of a pint of rose water or - ornige flower water an ounce and half of candied orange peel as much Cittorn mix all together and warm a little to taste if it be season'd Enough if not add what more spice you please and shred an apple in if you like it----- ---- --- To Collar Beef----- ------ ---- Take the thin end of a brickett of Beef ' Bone it and beat it with y.e [Rotering?] pin slash it on y.e inside and rub over it 4 ounce of salt peter and half a pound of by salt and a good handful of common salt let it lye so 2 days and 2 nights y.n dry it with a cloth seasoning it with one ounce of Clove and mace and half an ounce of white peper 2 nutmegs savory time sweet marjoram shred and laid upon it when it is - seasoned role it up fast and sow it in a strong course sloth and bake it in pump [linter?] 4 hours at least ' then draw it and undue the cloth again and pull it as hard as Everyou can and so it up again and put it into y.e Liquor -------------
To Make Mince Pyes ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 99 take neats tonges and boyle y.m till they will peale y.n Cut away y.e kernells and nots and all y.e hard skines y-n weigh y.e rest of it and to every pound of meat put one pound of stewed reasons one pound of Currant and mince one half of them wit y.e meat and sewit chop it very fine and mix it all together with Cloves ace and nutmegs Cinnamon sugar and salt to your taste the spice must be of an equall quantity one to another and put to every pound of tonges a quarter of a pint of rose water or - ornige flower water an ounce and half of candied orange peel as much Cittorn mix all together and warm a little to taste if it be season'd Enough if not add what more spice you please and shred an apple in if you like it----- ---- --- To Collar Beef----- ------ ---- Take the thin end of a brickett of Beef ' Bone it and beat it with y.e [Rotering?] pin slash it on y.e inside and rub over it 4 ounce of salt peter and half a pound of by salt and a good handful of common salt let it lye so 2 days and 2 nights y.n dry it with a cloth seasoning it with one ounce of Clove and mace and half an ounce of white peper 2 nutmegs savory time sweet marjoram shred and laid upon it when it is - seasoned role it up fast and sow it in a strong course sloth and bake it in pump [linter?] 4 hours at least ' then draw it and undue the cloth again and pull it as hard as Everyou can and so it up again and put it into y.e Liquor -------------
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks