Robert Godfrey receipts, 1665-1799
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To Pickle Piogeons take large old piogeons and when very clean bone [illegible] then take cloves mace and pepper a little mix it with your [illegible] a pretty deal nutmegg and more salt then spice them take to each piogeon as much as will suffice then take sweet marjoram and lemmon time of each a sprigg and [illegible] to every piogeon minced small and mix it with seasoning then season your piogeons puting in each of them a bitt of [illegible][illegible] will serve [illegible] piogeons so stew them up close if you put them one another they will look better for the table the pickle must be made [illegible] take half of white wine half of water but first set your water on the fire with a little [illegible] peper cloves mace and a sprigg of lemon time sweet marjoram and a sherlott and when it [illegible] skim it clean put in your salt and then your piogeons and when they are boyled about a quarters of an hour put in your white wine and let it boyle together till enough then take out the piogeons and power your liquor in an [illegible] pott when it is cold put your piogeons into it boyle the pickle once a week in summer and once a fortnight in winter when cold put then in
To Pickle Piogeons take large old piogeons and when very clean bone [illegible] then take cloves mace and pepper a little mix it with your [illegible] a pretty deal nutmegg and more salt then spice them take to each piogeon as much as will suffice then take sweet marjoram and lemmon time of each a sprigg and [illegible] to every piogeon minced small and mix it with seasoning then season your piogeons puting in each of them a bitt of [illegible][illegible] will serve [illegible] piogeons so stew them up close if you put them one another they will look better for the table the pickle must be made [illegible] take half of white wine half of water but first set your water on the fire with a little [illegible] peper cloves mace and a sprigg of lemon time sweet marjoram and a sherlott and when it [illegible] skim it clean put in your salt and then your piogeons and when they are boyled about a quarters of an hour put in your white wine and let it boyle together till enough then take out the piogeons and power your liquor in an [illegible] pott when it is cold put your piogeons into it boyle the pickle once a week in summer and once a fortnight in winter when cold put then in
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks