Robert Godfrey receipts, 1665-1799
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To make Hartshorn flumery take half a pound of hartshorn boyle it in 4 quarts of water till it come to one quart or less let it stand all night the beat and blanch a quarter of the allmonds with it strained through a strainer then put in a quarter of a pint of Cream a little Cinamon a blade of mace boyle these together and sweeten it and put in China Cups when you use it turn it out of the Cups and eat it with Cream-- Mrs. Osbourn's Receipt to Pitchcock Eele- Take your Eel and skin it, then wash it Take pepper, Salt, and Grated nutmeg, with some Crumbs of fine bread, Shred Some sweet herbs, & Lemon pill shred small, mix These all together, and put some of it into ye. belly of ye. eel; and dredge it very well over with it, Then Dress [ye.?] Skin on again; and you may boyle it whole; or Cut it into as Many peices as you Think fit, the seasoning that is put into ye. belly of ye. Eele may be rubbd. up with butter, or with a Little beef Suet fine shred, when you Dish it, take ye. Skin of, and Serve it up with savory sause, if you think fit, take a sheet of fine paper, & butter it, & Spred it upon ye. [illegible], if [so?] ye. Skin [illegible] not be [illegible] on, but dredge while boyling with ye. aforsaid Seasoning
To make Hartshorn flumery take half a pound of hartshorn boyle it in 4 quarts of water till it come to one quart or less let it stand all night the beat and blanch a quarter of the allmonds with it strained through a strainer then put in a quarter of a pint of Cream a little Cinamon a blade of mace boyle these together and sweeten it and put in China Cups when you use it turn it out of the Cups and eat it with Cream-- Mrs. Osbourn's Receipt to Pitchcock Eele- Take your Eel and skin it, then wash it Take pepper, Salt, and Grated nutmeg, with some Crumbs of fine bread, Shred Some sweet herbs, & Lemon pill shred small, mix These all together, and put some of it into ye. belly of ye. eel; and dredge it very well over with it, Then Dress [ye.?] Skin on again; and you may boyle it whole; or Cut it into as Many peices as you Think fit, the seasoning that is put into ye. belly of ye. Eele may be rubbd. up with butter, or with a Little beef Suet fine shred, when you Dish it, take ye. Skin of, and Serve it up with savory sause, if you think fit, take a sheet of fine paper, & butter it, & Spred it upon ye. [illegible], if [so?] ye. Skin [illegible] not be [illegible] on, but dredge while boyling with ye. aforsaid Seasoning
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks