Robert Godfrey receipts, 1665-1799
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To dry cittrons; prepare them & preserue them in the same manner as them before mentioned, only boyle them not soe much in the sirrup by half an houre or more, but when you perceiue them to looke cleare take them upp & put them into an eathen pann, & powre the sirrup to them & soe couer them close with papers tyed downe, & sett them into a hot stoue or oven after manchet is drawne, & so continue their warmth for 4 or 5 daies till the cittrons bee sweld bigg, then while the sirrup is warme & thynne take the cittrons clean forth of it & lay them to dry uppon a haire siue in a stoue or warme ouen turning them uppon a clean siue every day till they are dry Set them not dry to hard for they are apt to growe - hard & dry with kecpinge To make orrangadoe There will remaine a great deale of sirrup of ye dryd cittron wth wch you may make orrangadoe in this manner, take thick rhined orranges cut them in halues & take out ye meate of them then water them for 4 or 5 daies, sifting them twice a day, then boyle them till they are tender, shifting them into 4 or 5 fresh waters, every water being seething hott, when you put in ye last water put in alittle quantitie of white salt, take to apound & a half of theis orranges 2 pound of that sirrup, put them together in to an earthen pann & cover them with papers & sett them into a warme ouen for a week or more, when they look cleare, putt them upp for use, yf you desire some of the orrangadoe bettern then ordenary for tarts, you may pare the outmost Rhine of the orranges, of verie thinn afore you lay them in water,
To dry cittrons; prepare them & preserue them in the same manner as them before mentioned, only boyle them not soe much in the sirrup by half an houre or more, but when you perceiue them to looke cleare take them upp & put them into an eathen pann, & powre the sirrup to them & soe couer them close with papers tyed downe, & sett them into a hot stoue or oven after manchet is drawne, & so continue their warmth for 4 or 5 daies till the cittrons bee sweld bigg, then while the sirrup is warme & thynne take the cittrons clean forth of it & lay them to dry uppon a haire siue in a stoue or warme ouen turning them uppon a clean siue every day till they are dry Set them not dry to hard for they are apt to growe - hard & dry with kecpinge To make orrangadoe There will remaine a great deale of sirrup of ye dryd cittron wth wch you may make orrangadoe in this manner, take thick rhined orranges cut them in halues & take out ye meate of them then water them for 4 or 5 daies, sifting them twice a day, then boyle them till they are tender, shifting them into 4 or 5 fresh waters, every water being seething hott, when you put in ye last water put in alittle quantitie of white salt, take to apound & a half of theis orranges 2 pound of that sirrup, put them together in to an earthen pann & cover them with papers & sett them into a warme ouen for a week or more, when they look cleare, putt them upp for use, yf you desire some of the orrangadoe bettern then ordenary for tarts, you may pare the outmost Rhine of the orranges, of verie thinn afore you lay them in water,
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks