Robert Godfrey receipts, 1665-1799
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To preserve Damsons or Black pare plums, Take to apound of Damsons a pound of suger, & beat it very fine then strew a little of ye suger in ye bottom of a silver dish, then wipe the plums & slitt them up ye seame & lay them one by one uppon ye suger, ye slitt side downward, then couer them ouer with part of the other suger, & sprinkle some 6 spoonfulls of faire water uppon them, & sett them ouer a very soft fire till you see some sirrup come from them & the suger som thing melted, then couer them close, & lett them stand soe for 2 houres, after that sett them on a quick fire, & lett them melt ye suger, strewing in the remainder of ye suger when it is all melted, then lett them boyle for some 3 houres very softly, then bake them of the fire & ouer them close, & keep them in a warm stoue all night, the next day boyle them quick & skum them cleane, & when the sirrup will stand take it up; To preserue white plums, as pare plums Bullace or the like, Take to euery pound of fruit, a pound of suger, & a quarter of a pint of water, clarifie the sirrup, wipe ye plums & slitt them up the seame, & put them into the sirrup, & lett them stand uncouered some 2 houres that ye sirrup may soak into them boyle them softly for an houre after then boyle them quick till they be tender & lett them stand in the hott sirrup, & when they are cold put them upp, To preserue Barberies, take faire Barberies in Larg branches, when they are well coloured, stone them, take a pound & a quarter of a pound of suger to a pound of Barberies, make ye sirrup wth ye licquor that small berbery were boyled in when it boyles & is skim'ed, put in ye Barberies boyle them very quick, & as they boyle skim them now & then, turne them up round ye skillett for feare of burning, & when ye sirrup is pritty thick powre them forth, & pott them,
To preserve Damsons or Black pare plums, Take to apound of Damsons a pound of suger, & beat it very fine then strew a little of ye suger in ye bottom of a silver dish, then wipe the plums & slitt them up ye seame & lay them one by one uppon ye suger, ye slitt side downward, then couer them ouer with part of the other suger, & sprinkle some 6 spoonfulls of faire water uppon them, & sett them ouer a very soft fire till you see some sirrup come from them & the suger som thing melted, then couer them close, & lett them stand soe for 2 houres, after that sett them on a quick fire, & lett them melt ye suger, strewing in the remainder of ye suger when it is all melted, then lett them boyle for some 3 houres very softly, then bake them of the fire & ouer them close, & keep them in a warm stoue all night, the next day boyle them quick & skum them cleane, & when the sirrup will stand take it up; To preserue white plums, as pare plums Bullace or the like, Take to euery pound of fruit, a pound of suger, & a quarter of a pint of water, clarifie the sirrup, wipe ye plums & slitt them up the seame, & put them into the sirrup, & lett them stand uncouered some 2 houres that ye sirrup may soak into them boyle them softly for an houre after then boyle them quick till they be tender & lett them stand in the hott sirrup, & when they are cold put them upp, To preserue Barberies, take faire Barberies in Larg branches, when they are well coloured, stone them, take a pound & a quarter of a pound of suger to a pound of Barberies, make ye sirrup wth ye licquor that small berbery were boyled in when it boyles & is skim'ed, put in ye Barberies boyle them very quick, & as they boyle skim them now & then, turne them up round ye skillett for feare of burning, & when ye sirrup is pritty thick powre them forth, & pott them,
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks