Robert Godfrey receipts, 1665-1799
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To drie Apricocks, take the Apricocks & stone them, then weigh them & take their weight in suger, beat it fine, then pare ye Apricocks very thinn, & lay them in a bason with ye suger couered all over & under them, & so lett them stand till the next morning, then take of the thinn Juice ye riseth on the top, then put ye Apricocks & suger into a preseruing pan, & att firt boyle them but gently, afterwad a little quicker but not too fast, when they are about half preserued, poure the Apricocks into a stone bason or gally pott, & tell them stand in a warme stoue for 4 daies, the stoue kept still att amoderat heat, but not to hott, turn them euery day in the sirrup, ye fourth day take them clean from the sirrup & put them out broad & flatt, & lay them uppon a hair siue, & sett them againe into the warme stoue; the next morning turn them uppon acleane siue the second morning doe ye like, then searse double refind suger uppon, them, the third morning doe the like, & searse on tho'ther side of them, & so keep them in a warme stoue, euery day turning them till they are dry.
To drie Apricocks, take the Apricocks & stone them, then weigh them & take their weight in suger, beat it fine, then pare ye Apricocks very thinn, & lay them in a bason with ye suger couered all over & under them, & so lett them stand till the next morning, then take of the thinn Juice ye riseth on the top, then put ye Apricocks & suger into a preseruing pan, & att firt boyle them but gently, afterwad a little quicker but not too fast, when they are about half preserued, poure the Apricocks into a stone bason or gally pott, & tell them stand in a warme stoue for 4 daies, the stoue kept still att amoderat heat, but not to hott, turn them euery day in the sirrup, ye fourth day take them clean from the sirrup & put them out broad & flatt, & lay them uppon a hair siue, & sett them againe into the warme stoue; the next morning turn them uppon acleane siue the second morning doe ye like, then searse double refind suger uppon, them, the third morning doe the like, & searse on tho'ther side of them, & so keep them in a warme stoue, euery day turning them till they are dry.
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks