Robert Godfrey receipts, 1665-1799
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To make Lemon Pickle - Take Two dozen Lemons cut them into slices of the thickness of a Crown Piece White Mustard Seed bruis'd half a Pint Salt and anchovies each half a Pound brown Sugar - two Ounces White pepper - two ounces Nutmeg & Mace each 1/2 an Ounce Garlick two large Heads cut down Horse Raddish slic'd two roots Cayenne Pepper two Tea spoonfulls Let a layer of the slic'd Lemons be put into a Jar of a Size to hold three Quats. then strew over them a small quantity of the Salt and Sugar properly mixed together. The spices are then to be gently bruis'd & mixed Up wth ye Mustard. White Pepper. Garlick, Horse Raddish - & Cayenne Pepper, & a small quantity of the whole along wth a few Anchovies [sd?] be sprinkled over the layer of slic'd Lemons wth ye other Articles as before & so on alternately 'till the Lemons are exausted. - Fill up the Jar wh good white Wine Vinegar cover it wth brown paper - Let it stand by the Line for 6 Weeks
To make Lemon Pickle - Take Two dozen Lemons cut them into slices of the thickness of a Crown Piece White Mustard Seed bruis'd half a Pint Salt and anchovies each half a Pound brown Sugar - two Ounces White pepper - two ounces Nutmeg & Mace each 1/2 an Ounce Garlick two large Heads cut down Horse Raddish slic'd two roots Cayenne Pepper two Tea spoonfulls Let a layer of the slic'd Lemons be put into a Jar of a Size to hold three Quats. then strew over them a small quantity of the Salt and Sugar properly mixed together. The spices are then to be gently bruis'd & mixed Up wth ye Mustard. White Pepper. Garlick, Horse Raddish - & Cayenne Pepper, & a small quantity of the whole along wth a few Anchovies [sd?] be sprinkled over the layer of slic'd Lemons wth ye other Articles as before & so on alternately 'till the Lemons are exausted. - Fill up the Jar wh good white Wine Vinegar cover it wth brown paper - Let it stand by the Line for 6 Weeks
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks