Iowa Byington Reed diary, May 12, 1879-December 31, 1879
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Saturday August 23rd 1879 We did not get started to Kates till nine ockock the ride was warm. We got there about one oclock. I did not feel very well and lay on the couch all the afternoon and visited with Kate Clara Smith and her mother were out. Rob and Clara, Ott and Mollie went down to the quarries in the afternoon. We visited at home in the eve. Sunday August 24th 1879 About ten oclock we all started for the palisades a beautiful place about five miles up the river from Kates she took dinner along for all of us. We had a delightful time and it is certainly the most beautiful place I ever dreamed of. We started home about four oclock and got here before nine the ride was just splendid. I am feeling better than when I went away but Hatt is sick. Monday August 25th 1879 I did a large washing today. Mother and Rob went to the valley in the afternoon to see how Aunt Ems baby is we hear she is very sick. I spent the afternoon down to Robinsons and Lizzie came part way home with me.
Saturday August 23rd 1879 We did not get started to Kates till nine ockock the ride was warm. We got there about one oclock. I did not feel very well and lay on the couch all the afternoon and visited with Kate Clara Smith and her mother were out. Rob and Clara, Ott and Mollie went down to the quarries in the afternoon. We visited at home in the eve. Sunday August 24th 1879 About ten oclock we all started for the palisades a beautiful place about five miles up the river from Kates she took dinner along for all of us. We had a delightful time and it is certainly the most beautiful place I ever dreamed of. We started home about four oclock and got here before nine the ride was just splendid. I am feeling better than when I went away but Hatt is sick. Monday August 25th 1879 I did a large washing today. Mother and Rob went to the valley in the afternoon to see how Aunt Ems baby is we hear she is very sick. I spent the afternoon down to Robinsons and Lizzie came part way home with me.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries