Iowa Byington Reed diary, April 3-1883-December 31, 1892: Part 2
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Thursday April 18th 1889 It cleared up this morning and I worked with the chickens some. Mother went over to Hatties in the afternoon to stay all night. I worked some on my dress and helped Adda with the work. It rained tonight again Will was building fence out by the barn today. Friday April 10th 1889 I was working with the chickens some and sewed on my dress a little more. Mother did not come home till nearly noon. Will built more fence today. Ott was heer a little while in the evening. Saturday April 20th 1889 I was busy about the work most of the forenoon. I got Will an early dinner to go to the West farm for hay Hatt was over all the afternoon and mother went home with her to stay all nighht. I finished fixing my dress. Sunday April 21st 1889 I helped Adda do up the morning work and rode out to the pasture with Will. Ott came home with Mother from church. Will and I went down to Aunt Marys in the afternoon. We did not get around to go to church in the evening. Mother went back to town to stay all night Ott came over this evening to get his new horse. Monday April 22nd 1889 I gave the house a good cleaning up and worked with the chickens in the forenoon. I went to town soon as I ate dinner. I did some shopping, was at Hatties awhile and she come with me to call on Esthers on the way home. I read in the evening. Will is making fence on the Storplers land. Tuesday April 23rd 1888 We got an early sdtart and finished the washing by ten oclcok. I done some ironing before noon. I began work on another quilt today. Will took the cattle to pasture and [illegible] the spring today. And the last of the rows come in this evening. Mother went to town late in the afternoon but hurried home to escape the rain that came on early in the evening. I read and sewed in the evening.
Thursday April 18th 1889 It cleared up this morning and I worked with the chickens some. Mother went over to Hatties in the afternoon to stay all night. I worked some on my dress and helped Adda with the work. It rained tonight again Will was building fence out by the barn today. Friday April 10th 1889 I was working with the chickens some and sewed on my dress a little more. Mother did not come home till nearly noon. Will built more fence today. Ott was heer a little while in the evening. Saturday April 20th 1889 I was busy about the work most of the forenoon. I got Will an early dinner to go to the West farm for hay Hatt was over all the afternoon and mother went home with her to stay all nighht. I finished fixing my dress. Sunday April 21st 1889 I helped Adda do up the morning work and rode out to the pasture with Will. Ott came home with Mother from church. Will and I went down to Aunt Marys in the afternoon. We did not get around to go to church in the evening. Mother went back to town to stay all night Ott came over this evening to get his new horse. Monday April 22nd 1889 I gave the house a good cleaning up and worked with the chickens in the forenoon. I went to town soon as I ate dinner. I did some shopping, was at Hatties awhile and she come with me to call on Esthers on the way home. I read in the evening. Will is making fence on the Storplers land. Tuesday April 23rd 1888 We got an early sdtart and finished the washing by ten oclcok. I done some ironing before noon. I began work on another quilt today. Will took the cattle to pasture and [illegible] the spring today. And the last of the rows come in this evening. Mother went to town late in the afternoon but hurried home to escape the rain that came on early in the evening. I read and sewed in the evening.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries