Iowa Byington Reed diary, April 3-1883-December 31, 1892: Part 2
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Saturday November 5th 1892 Mother went to town to spend the day. I was busy with the work all forenoon. Will and I went to town in th afternoon. I made a call at Minnie Showers. Fanny brought Mother home. I sewed all evening. Josie went home for a visit this afternoon. weather brighter. Sunday November 6th 1892 It was a cloudy morning and before noon began to rain. I was busy with the house work all forenoon. I wrote to Vene and Charlie in the afternoon and read all evening. Monday November 7th 1892 It was a cold blustering day. Josie did not get back. Mother and I were all the forenoon doing extra work about the kitchen. I sewed in the afternoon & evening. Tuesday November 8th 1892 This is election day and passed of quietly. I did a little sewing in the forenoon. Spent the afternoon in town. Josie got home today. weather still wintry. Wednesday November 9th 1892 we got up early this morning and had two breakfasts. We got washing, churning and other work all done before dinner. Mother and I started to town as soon as we ate our dinner. After looking at the Democratic parade for the election of Cleveland we drove over to call on Mollie Robinson and then went out to the west farm. We came up part where they were stacking out the cellar for Otts house. weather pretty cold. Thursday Novemver 10th 1892 We got the ironing and most of the other work done by ten oclock and Will took Mother and I to town in the surry. Found Hattie some better with her cold. I got some things for dinner and after we came back went over to Woolfs for apples we had gathered. As soon as we got dinner over Will and I went back to town. We took the girls a short ride. we came home about four oclock. I helped get the supper over and sewed some in the evening. weather very nice.
Saturday November 5th 1892 Mother went to town to spend the day. I was busy with the work all forenoon. Will and I went to town in th afternoon. I made a call at Minnie Showers. Fanny brought Mother home. I sewed all evening. Josie went home for a visit this afternoon. weather brighter. Sunday November 6th 1892 It was a cloudy morning and before noon began to rain. I was busy with the house work all forenoon. I wrote to Vene and Charlie in the afternoon and read all evening. Monday November 7th 1892 It was a cold blustering day. Josie did not get back. Mother and I were all the forenoon doing extra work about the kitchen. I sewed in the afternoon & evening. Tuesday November 8th 1892 This is election day and passed of quietly. I did a little sewing in the forenoon. Spent the afternoon in town. Josie got home today. weather still wintry. Wednesday November 9th 1892 we got up early this morning and had two breakfasts. We got washing, churning and other work all done before dinner. Mother and I started to town as soon as we ate our dinner. After looking at the Democratic parade for the election of Cleveland we drove over to call on Mollie Robinson and then went out to the west farm. We came up part where they were stacking out the cellar for Otts house. weather pretty cold. Thursday Novemver 10th 1892 We got the ironing and most of the other work done by ten oclock and Will took Mother and I to town in the surry. Found Hattie some better with her cold. I got some things for dinner and after we came back went over to Woolfs for apples we had gathered. As soon as we got dinner over Will and I went back to town. We took the girls a short ride. we came home about four oclock. I helped get the supper over and sewed some in the evening. weather very nice.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries