Frank Malcom letters, 1864
1864-09-20 Page 02
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Now Chief of Out Posts. on Genl. Corse' Staff) (as Chief Clerk in the Corps Commissary Dept.) General Ransom Detailed me immediately, The detail arrived at our Head Quarters about 3 O.Clock The same afternoon, but it was not Shown to me until 9 O'Clock that night, and I was then informed that the Adjutant and Major commanding our Regiment had sent in a protest asking to have the detail Recalled Stating that my Services could not be Spared in the Adjutants Office, rather an underhanded game I think what say you, I am also informed by a friend that Genl. Rice was present when the detail arrived and that he told the Adjutant & Major that I had been Recommended to him but that Col" Parrott would not agree to have me leave, I do not care about leaving my Regiment, but I am informed that the place in the Commissary Department is equaly as easy as this one that I now have & that my fare would be much better, I could Board with the Officers and have a horse to ride - would have no writing to do while on the march. The detail has not been Recalled yet so I do not know what The result will be, I shal not insist on going contary to the Adjutants wishis. I thought I would
Now Chief of Out Posts. on Genl. Corse' Staff) (as Chief Clerk in the Corps Commissary Dept.) General Ransom Detailed me immediately, The detail arrived at our Head Quarters about 3 O.Clock The same afternoon, but it was not Shown to me until 9 O'Clock that night, and I was then informed that the Adjutant and Major commanding our Regiment had sent in a protest asking to have the detail Recalled Stating that my Services could not be Spared in the Adjutants Office, rather an underhanded game I think what say you, I am also informed by a friend that Genl. Rice was present when the detail arrived and that he told the Adjutant & Major that I had been Recommended to him but that Col" Parrott would not agree to have me leave, I do not care about leaving my Regiment, but I am informed that the place in the Commissary Department is equaly as easy as this one that I now have & that my fare would be much better, I could Board with the Officers and have a horse to ride - would have no writing to do while on the march. The detail has not been Recalled yet so I do not know what The result will be, I shal not insist on going contary to the Adjutants wishis. I thought I would
Civil War Diaries and Letters