McDowell family papers, 1857-1863
14_1861-10-12-Page 01
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Detachment 7th Regt Iowa Vol Benton Barracks St Louis Oct 12 To Uncle Mathews To [all?] generaly Dear Friends one and all As John is writing and thinking this a good opertunity I thought I would scratch a few lines to let you know that I am in the land of the liveing and place of New Uniform, (the place of hope I mean). You must excuse me for I am so tickled with my New Uniform that I fetch it in no matter what I am talking about Let me see if John has discribed our magnificent equipment in his letter ------ yes he has portrayed it pretty faithfully. But that is enough about our monkey jackets. We have changed our nam from the Ragged Seventh to Laumans Babboons We recevied orders to repare to Birds Point emmediately the day before yesterday but got them countermanded in consequence of so many of our company being unfit for duty 41 being on the sick list this morning. I had most forgot to tell you that the Washington Rifles had changed thier nam to the Washington Muskets Good bye my paper has run out Nothing more but remains yours Truely Jim Shields
Detachment 7th Regt Iowa Vol Benton Barracks St Louis Oct 12 To Uncle Mathews To [all?] generaly Dear Friends one and all As John is writing and thinking this a good opertunity I thought I would scratch a few lines to let you know that I am in the land of the liveing and place of New Uniform, (the place of hope I mean). You must excuse me for I am so tickled with my New Uniform that I fetch it in no matter what I am talking about Let me see if John has discribed our magnificent equipment in his letter ------ yes he has portrayed it pretty faithfully. But that is enough about our monkey jackets. We have changed our nam from the Ragged Seventh to Laumans Babboons We recevied orders to repare to Birds Point emmediately the day before yesterday but got them countermanded in consequence of so many of our company being unfit for duty 41 being on the sick list this morning. I had most forgot to tell you that the Washington Rifles had changed thier nam to the Washington Muskets Good bye my paper has run out Nothing more but remains yours Truely Jim Shields
Civil War Diaries and Letters