Mead family papers, July 1863-January 1864
13_1863-12-12-Page 01
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Marengo dec 12th.. 63 My dear Son I sit down in the nois and bustle to try and let you know how we are geting a long we are all well except Adie she has bin quite sick I think it is the ague I think we shall be able to brake it at least I hope so Elen has had a sore throat but is better Adie had a letter from George Willis he has bin kicke by a horse and nocked out some of his teethe and hurt him quite bad. we have not had any news from any of our friends since you was hear it is snowing to day thare is to be meeting at our schoolhouse to night but I dont expect I can go O how I wish I could have the privalege of
Marengo dec 12th.. 63 My dear Son I sit down in the nois and bustle to try and let you know how we are geting a long we are all well except Adie she has bin quite sick I think it is the ague I think we shall be able to brake it at least I hope so Elen has had a sore throat but is better Adie had a letter from George Willis he has bin kicke by a horse and nocked out some of his teethe and hurt him quite bad. we have not had any news from any of our friends since you was hear it is snowing to day thare is to be meeting at our schoolhouse to night but I dont expect I can go O how I wish I could have the privalege of
Civil War Diaries and Letters