Frank Malcom letters, 1865
1865-03-13 Page 03
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Inhabitaion, thirty six blocks out of the heart of the City was burned to the ground and many other fine buildings in different portions of the town, all the public buildings were destroyed excepting the Churches and the New State House which was not finished the streets were filled with men women & children begging for protiction from the Soldiers. Many of the buildings burned was filled with Rebel Army Stores that had been left behind in their hasty retreat, I cannot give you an Idea of the amount of property destroyed. presume you will see an account published in the northern papers which will give you more information than I can. The troops were engaged on the 18" & 19" Destroying R.R and on the 20" we Resumed our march to the north westeren portion of the State met the Enemy again at Lynch Creek, routed him & resumed our march to Cheraw where the Enemy was again routed the Army then Crossed the Great Pedee river & moved eastourd crossed the line into North Carolina on the 8th of March. -
Inhabitaion, thirty six blocks out of the heart of the City was burned to the ground and many other fine buildings in different portions of the town, all the public buildings were destroyed excepting the Churches and the New State House which was not finished the streets were filled with men women & children begging for protiction from the Soldiers. Many of the buildings burned was filled with Rebel Army Stores that had been left behind in their hasty retreat, I cannot give you an Idea of the amount of property destroyed. presume you will see an account published in the northern papers which will give you more information than I can. The troops were engaged on the 18" & 19" Destroying R.R and on the 20" we Resumed our march to the north westeren portion of the State met the Enemy again at Lynch Creek, routed him & resumed our march to Cheraw where the Enemy was again routed the Army then Crossed the Great Pedee river & moved eastourd crossed the line into North Carolina on the 8th of March. -
Civil War Diaries and Letters