Jacob Harrison Allspaugh diary, July-Nov. 1864
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Supplement to July 17" 1864 Notes A This Ga Rebel Reg had been in front of us so much that we became quite well acquainted and would not fire upon each other when we could avoid it. To see our 4th corps skirmishers advancing on the flank of this regiment at a trail arms and the Rebs hustling around to pack up things and get out of the way was a new departure in modern warfare When we asked them what they were packing up for they said "Oh, You-unz is comin up on
Supplement to July 17" 1864 Notes A This Ga Rebel Reg had been in front of us so much that we became quite well acquainted and would not fire upon each other when we could avoid it. To see our 4th corps skirmishers advancing on the flank of this regiment at a trail arms and the Rebs hustling around to pack up things and get out of the way was a new departure in modern warfare When we asked them what they were packing up for they said "Oh, You-unz is comin up on
Civil War Diaries and Letters