Helen Grundman 4-H scrapbook, 1928-1932
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I am especially pleased to recommend Helen M. Grundman of the Rainbow 4-H Girls Club who has been in the Home Furnishing Club two years, as an entrant in this contest. If it was not for Helen our club would not get along as well as it does. She is never satisfied until every member does their part, and she herself is never satisfied with anything less her best efforts, and bears responsibility well. Mrs. Albert Grundman Leader.
I am especially pleased to recommend Helen M. Grundman of the Rainbow 4-H Girls Club who has been in the Home Furnishing Club two years, as an entrant in this contest. If it was not for Helen our club would not get along as well as it does. She is never satisfied until every member does their part, and she herself is never satisfied with anything less her best efforts, and bears responsibility well. Mrs. Albert Grundman Leader.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries