Helen Grundman 4-H scrapbook, 1928-1932
Page 154-14
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June 5th Hostess Leader Roll Call-Good Food Habit Adopted Business Meeting Music Study Lionel---Rowena Peregrine Check up on Record Books and Memory Books Demonstration Use of the Pressure Cooker-Vera Wynn Demonstration Canning Rhubarb---Edith Fisher Subject Matter Leader Demonstration Canning of non-acid vegetables-Velva Hawthorne Parlimentary Law - Can a Secretary make a motion? - Zilla Hawthorne Recreation---Lois Kurtz Social Time---Cleone Wynn--Helen G (over)
June 5th Hostess Leader Roll Call-Good Food Habit Adopted Business Meeting Music Study Lionel---Rowena Peregrine Check up on Record Books and Memory Books Demonstration Use of the Pressure Cooker-Vera Wynn Demonstration Canning Rhubarb---Edith Fisher Subject Matter Leader Demonstration Canning of non-acid vegetables-Velva Hawthorne Parlimentary Law - Can a Secretary make a motion? - Zilla Hawthorne Recreation---Lois Kurtz Social Time---Cleone Wynn--Helen G (over)
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries