Helen Grundman 4-H scrapbook, 1928-1932
Page 244
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Helen Grundman Prescott, Iowa. Is surrounded by a green frame of beautiful trees. Father and mother and I stroll through our orchard, marvel at its beauty and enjoy all the work of nature in the forest trees. I certainly appreciate and love every tree and spot on the premises. Father and Mother had the plotting, planning, and planting of it all, and I was only a babe when it all was planted, so it holds very dear memories to me. I can well remember some of the trees when quite small and they grew where I had my first real playhouse.
Helen Grundman Prescott, Iowa. Is surrounded by a green frame of beautiful trees. Father and mother and I stroll through our orchard, marvel at its beauty and enjoy all the work of nature in the forest trees. I certainly appreciate and love every tree and spot on the premises. Father and Mother had the plotting, planning, and planting of it all, and I was only a babe when it all was planted, so it holds very dear memories to me. I can well remember some of the trees when quite small and they grew where I had my first real playhouse.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries