Helen Grundman 4-H scrapbook, 1928-1932
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Nov. 19-1930 Wed. a.m Dear Helen:- Just want to congratulate you on your splendid 4-H achievement. Was in the office Sat. when the good news came. Have wanted to write before but have been busy husking corn. I am very, very proud of you and think Adams County is fortunate in having such a girl to represent them in 4-H work. Wishing for you a very happy time at the "National", I am, Yours very truly, Mrs. Leslie Jensen.
Nov. 19-1930 Wed. a.m Dear Helen:- Just want to congratulate you on your splendid 4-H achievement. Was in the office Sat. when the good news came. Have wanted to write before but have been busy husking corn. I am very, very proud of you and think Adams County is fortunate in having such a girl to represent them in 4-H work. Wishing for you a very happy time at the "National", I am, Yours very truly, Mrs. Leslie Jensen.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries