Helen Grundman 4-H scrapbook, 1928-1932
Page 324-9
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March 14th Roll Call - What I am doing to improve my general health. Business Meeting. Selections for the Baby. Eula Elwood Breads of Germany, Armenia and Arabia. Cleone Wynn Demonstration - Mixing Bread. Helen Tanner Health Number - Energy Food. Velma Wynn Demonstration - Kneading and baking bread.. Rowena Peregrine Talk..How do white, graham, and wheat flours differ - Velma Wynn Demonstration..Types and care of Bread Pans - Hilda Tanner Meal Planning...How to choose foods for balanced meal - Helen G. Recreation. Violets Subject Matter..Bread Variations - Leader Social Time Hilda and Helen Tanner Hostess. Leader
March 14th Roll Call - What I am doing to improve my general health. Business Meeting. Selections for the Baby. Eula Elwood Breads of Germany, Armenia and Arabia. Cleone Wynn Demonstration - Mixing Bread. Helen Tanner Health Number - Energy Food. Velma Wynn Demonstration - Kneading and baking bread.. Rowena Peregrine Talk..How do white, graham, and wheat flours differ - Velma Wynn Demonstration..Types and care of Bread Pans - Hilda Tanner Meal Planning...How to choose foods for balanced meal - Helen G. Recreation. Violets Subject Matter..Bread Variations - Leader Social Time Hilda and Helen Tanner Hostess. Leader
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries