Cary Club of Marion meeting minutes, 1913-1916
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242 and a very interesting talk expressing the hope we would organize a "Womans Suffrage Club." Mrs Baker, daughter of Mrs Hindman spoke of her mother who was an early member of our Club, and very much respected by all who knew her Mrs [illegible] Wilson gave interesting talk on Country Club. Its organization, its benefits there work. Of which she is a member. very interesting to all No further business. Adjourn to meet with Mrs J R Alexander at 3 o-clock P.M. June 15. Mrs Ives. Pres Susie Brown Secy Pro tem. Club Tea June 15th 1914 Marion Ia Cary Club with husbands or guest. met with Mrs J Q Alexander a social afternoon was very much enjoyed, followed by a two course supper, served by Miss's Gretchen and Phebe Mentger. Mrs Bishop the Chairman of Program Com for 1914-1915 gave out the Club year books for next years work. This meeting closes a pleasant profitable year Adjourn to meet with Mrs Cook Sept 21st 1914 Susie Brown Secy Pro tem Mrs Ines Pres
242 and a very interesting talk expressing the hope we would organize a "Womans Suffrage Club." Mrs Baker, daughter of Mrs Hindman spoke of her mother who was an early member of our Club, and very much respected by all who knew her Mrs [illegible] Wilson gave interesting talk on Country Club. Its organization, its benefits there work. Of which she is a member. very interesting to all No further business. Adjourn to meet with Mrs J R Alexander at 3 o-clock P.M. June 15. Mrs Ives. Pres Susie Brown Secy Pro tem. Club Tea June 15th 1914 Marion Ia Cary Club with husbands or guest. met with Mrs J Q Alexander a social afternoon was very much enjoyed, followed by a two course supper, served by Miss's Gretchen and Phebe Mentger. Mrs Bishop the Chairman of Program Com for 1914-1915 gave out the Club year books for next years work. This meeting closes a pleasant profitable year Adjourn to meet with Mrs Cook Sept 21st 1914 Susie Brown Secy Pro tem Mrs Ines Pres
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries