Charles City Political Equality Club meeting minutes, 1891-1892
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XII regular lesson. It was further moved and carried that should there be time after the reading, and remarks on the subject and paper, that the club should proceed with the lesson _ No III. The paper, which was well-written, clear, and dealt with facts and figures, was voted to be presented for publication. It called forth several remarks pro and con, Carrie Lane Chapman responding an emphatic denial to the assertion that women were recognized as equals to men in business, and stating that the cases cited were exceptions and not the rule. As the meeting had gone beyond the regular time, it was moved and carried that it adjourn, without the lesson, until January 2nd, 1892, when it meets at the residence of Mrs. L. Lane. After some business mainly
XII regular lesson. It was further moved and carried that should there be time after the reading, and remarks on the subject and paper, that the club should proceed with the lesson _ No III. The paper, which was well-written, clear, and dealt with facts and figures, was voted to be presented for publication. It called forth several remarks pro and con, Carrie Lane Chapman responding an emphatic denial to the assertion that women were recognized as equals to men in business, and stating that the cases cited were exceptions and not the rule. As the meeting had gone beyond the regular time, it was moved and carried that it adjourn, without the lesson, until January 2nd, 1892, when it meets at the residence of Mrs. L. Lane. After some business mainly
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries