Charles City Political Equality Club meeting minutes, 1891-1892
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XXV them in the past and what in-justice is still being done to their sex at the present time, have not been gifted with that oratonical power which enables the possessor to throw into the enemy's camps such volleys of logic, scientific conclusions, and universal truths as shall put to rout the power long considered the mightier. The club expressed itself as heartily pleased to note the appreciation and esteem in which Mrs. Chapman is held at the capital city. It was moved and carried that the club adjourn until two weeks from date, February 13th, when it will meet with Mrs. Lane. Meeting adjourned in good order. Amendment: It was first moved by Mrs. Chamberlain that the word "Representative" should be changed back to "Congressman."
XXV them in the past and what in-justice is still being done to their sex at the present time, have not been gifted with that oratonical power which enables the possessor to throw into the enemy's camps such volleys of logic, scientific conclusions, and universal truths as shall put to rout the power long considered the mightier. The club expressed itself as heartily pleased to note the appreciation and esteem in which Mrs. Chapman is held at the capital city. It was moved and carried that the club adjourn until two weeks from date, February 13th, when it will meet with Mrs. Lane. Meeting adjourned in good order. Amendment: It was first moved by Mrs. Chamberlain that the word "Representative" should be changed back to "Congressman."
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries