Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Grinnell, Iowa, meeting minutes, 1913-1917
Page 13
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13 The Union requests that you work most earnestly that the Prohibitory Amendment to the Constitution may be submitted to the vote of the people in order that the liquor traffic may be destroyed root and trunk instead of only pruning out some of its branches. We rejoice greatly that (6) House File No 436 - By Shankland has been defeated The Union wishes also to express its appreciation of your cordial support of the Equal Suffrage Amendment to the Constitution that the present Legislature has voted to submit to the people. Respectfully (Signed) Jennie Bailey --------- --------- --------- Copy of Answere. Miss Jennie Bailey Grinnell Iowa. Dear Miss Bailey: I am in receipt of your favor of the 22nd inst. and wish to thank you for your kind words of appreciation. I am much interested in the bills which you mention and assure you that they will have my careful consideration when they come before the Senate. Yours Sincerely (Signed) H.W. Spaulding.
13 The Union requests that you work most earnestly that the Prohibitory Amendment to the Constitution may be submitted to the vote of the people in order that the liquor traffic may be destroyed root and trunk instead of only pruning out some of its branches. We rejoice greatly that (6) House File No 436 - By Shankland has been defeated The Union wishes also to express its appreciation of your cordial support of the Equal Suffrage Amendment to the Constitution that the present Legislature has voted to submit to the people. Respectfully (Signed) Jennie Bailey --------- --------- --------- Copy of Answere. Miss Jennie Bailey Grinnell Iowa. Dear Miss Bailey: I am in receipt of your favor of the 22nd inst. and wish to thank you for your kind words of appreciation. I am much interested in the bills which you mention and assure you that they will have my careful consideration when they come before the Senate. Yours Sincerely (Signed) H.W. Spaulding.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries