Ann Kenwrick cookbook, 1770
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To Preserve Oranges, Whole Take ye largest & best civil Oranges without Spot, speck or blemishes, Grate ye out sides very Lightly, all over alike not to take of the Colour, Then with a Pen-knife cut out a round piece Just where the Stalk Grows big enough for your Scoop to go in, then Scoop all the Seeds and juice,If You leave one behind it will perish the Orange, then Put them into Water with the pieces you cut out, Shifting the Water twice a day for 2 or 3 days,Then Make a pot of Water Boyle and put them in with The pieces, and let them Boyle till they are tender,Then Take them out carefully and lay them on clean cloth, And if all places don't look alike, Scrap it lightly with A pen knife till they doe, then fill up your whole Oranges with the Inside of another and take a pint of Water And a pound of double refined Sugar let it boyle And scim it clean, and put in the juice of the Oranges and Lemons according to your tast for Some like it Sharp and some Sweeter,Then fill up Your Oranges quite full and boyle them up in the Sirrup 3 or 4 times till they are cleare and fine Coloured, then take them up and put them in a dry Gally pot, and let them stand till Currants or Codlins are ripe and put into Gelly of White Currants, and Whilst they are in the Sirrup boyle them up once A Month, Lemons are done the Same way only Keep them some long ways and some round. Oranges Marmalad Take the best Coloured Civill Oranges Without spots or specks, cut them in halves and Squeeze out the juice, and Put the rines into Water shifting the Water twice a day for 3 or 4 days then boyle them in Water till they be tend[er] Then take them out and lay them in a clean Cloth and Cut out all the hard Skinny pieces, that are in the insides, and put them in your Scales and weigh them And to a Pound of Orange, a Pound of double refin'd sugar, clarrifie your Sugar in a pint of Water [boyle] It to an height, Scim it well, in the mean time [pound] your Orranges in a Marble or Stone Morter, and Put it into your Sugar, let it boyle till it Spatters, [then] Take it of the fire and put it into Glasses Paper [them] Up, and what Sweet meats you make of Orange Or Lemons is best to be done when they are in Right Season about March or April.
To Preserve Oranges, Whole Take ye largest & best civil Oranges without Spot, speck or blemishes, Grate ye out sides very Lightly, all over alike not to take of the Colour, Then with a Pen-knife cut out a round piece Just where the Stalk Grows big enough for your Scoop to go in, then Scoop all the Seeds and juice,If You leave one behind it will perish the Orange, then Put them into Water with the pieces you cut out, Shifting the Water twice a day for 2 or 3 days,Then Make a pot of Water Boyle and put them in with The pieces, and let them Boyle till they are tender,Then Take them out carefully and lay them on clean cloth, And if all places don't look alike, Scrap it lightly with A pen knife till they doe, then fill up your whole Oranges with the Inside of another and take a pint of Water And a pound of double refined Sugar let it boyle And scim it clean, and put in the juice of the Oranges and Lemons according to your tast for Some like it Sharp and some Sweeter,Then fill up Your Oranges quite full and boyle them up in the Sirrup 3 or 4 times till they are cleare and fine Coloured, then take them up and put them in a dry Gally pot, and let them stand till Currants or Codlins are ripe and put into Gelly of White Currants, and Whilst they are in the Sirrup boyle them up once A Month, Lemons are done the Same way only Keep them some long ways and some round. Oranges Marmalad Take the best Coloured Civill Oranges Without spots or specks, cut them in halves and Squeeze out the juice, and Put the rines into Water shifting the Water twice a day for 3 or 4 days then boyle them in Water till they be tend[er] Then take them out and lay them in a clean Cloth and Cut out all the hard Skinny pieces, that are in the insides, and put them in your Scales and weigh them And to a Pound of Orange, a Pound of double refin'd sugar, clarrifie your Sugar in a pint of Water [boyle] It to an height, Scim it well, in the mean time [pound] your Orranges in a Marble or Stone Morter, and Put it into your Sugar, let it boyle till it Spatters, [then] Take it of the fire and put it into Glasses Paper [them] Up, and what Sweet meats you make of Orange Or Lemons is best to be done when they are in Right Season about March or April.
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks