Ann Kenwrick cookbook, 1770
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Court Fritteres. Take a pint of Sack make a possett of resh Milk from The cow, then take the Cruds of the possett and put in a Basson With Eggs, Season it with a little Nut=megg, and beat it With a burchen rod, till you have beat the possett and Cruds and Eggs well together, then put fine flower to it and Make it as a butter for fritters, you may put in Sugar Then take Clarrified Beef Suet make it boile before you Put them in, then boile them as you doe little puddings Then Serve them for a side Dish.__.__ Skarrett Fritters. Take a pint of Skarretts and 4 Spoonfulls of flower and The yolk of Eggs, Season it with what Spice you like Best to your tast, make them into thick butter and Fry them into fritters, and you may put in 2 or 3 Spoonfulls of Sack if you please, a Side dish.__.__ Crud Puffs. Take Grated bread, 3 Eggs, make it almost as stiff As past, then wet it with a little Cream, make it into What fashion you please, fry them as you do pudding Make for Sawce, butter Sugar, Rose water and Sack all Beat together, and so poure it upon them, A Sid dish.__ A Cheese Loafe. Take Cheese Crud and White bread Grated, the Yolks of Eggs, Cloves and Mace, and Nut=megg, mix them well together Sweeten it to your tast with fine Sugar, then take some [Porringers?] butter them and put in Crud, bake them but Not too much, when they are baked turn them out, And cut a little hole on the tops, and drain butter up Thick and put in them, Set them in the Oven again To rise the Collour, then Serve them.__ Little Puddings. Take a hand full of grated bread and a Spoon full of Flower, the Yolks of 2 Eggs, and a Spon full of Orange Flower water, a hand full of Beef Suet, Shred it all
Court Fritteres. Take a pint of Sack make a possett of resh Milk from The cow, then take the Cruds of the possett and put in a Basson With Eggs, Season it with a little Nut=megg, and beat it With a burchen rod, till you have beat the possett and Cruds and Eggs well together, then put fine flower to it and Make it as a butter for fritters, you may put in Sugar Then take Clarrified Beef Suet make it boile before you Put them in, then boile them as you doe little puddings Then Serve them for a side Dish.__.__ Skarrett Fritters. Take a pint of Skarretts and 4 Spoonfulls of flower and The yolk of Eggs, Season it with what Spice you like Best to your tast, make them into thick butter and Fry them into fritters, and you may put in 2 or 3 Spoonfulls of Sack if you please, a Side dish.__.__ Crud Puffs. Take Grated bread, 3 Eggs, make it almost as stiff As past, then wet it with a little Cream, make it into What fashion you please, fry them as you do pudding Make for Sawce, butter Sugar, Rose water and Sack all Beat together, and so poure it upon them, A Sid dish.__ A Cheese Loafe. Take Cheese Crud and White bread Grated, the Yolks of Eggs, Cloves and Mace, and Nut=megg, mix them well together Sweeten it to your tast with fine Sugar, then take some [Porringers?] butter them and put in Crud, bake them but Not too much, when they are baked turn them out, And cut a little hole on the tops, and drain butter up Thick and put in them, Set them in the Oven again To rise the Collour, then Serve them.__ Little Puddings. Take a hand full of grated bread and a Spoon full of Flower, the Yolks of 2 Eggs, and a Spon full of Orange Flower water, a hand full of Beef Suet, Shred it all
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks