Ann Kenwrick cookbook, 1770
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Boile these on a Grid Iron, then cut the Other part of the head into thin braod Slices And Stew it in a Pint of Strong broth, and Halfe a pint of White wine, Season it with Pepper, Salt, Nutmegg, Cloves and Mace, 2 Anchovies a little Thime, an Oinon Stuck With Cloves, the juice of a Lemmon, and when Its Stewed tender, put in halfe a pound of Butter, and 5 yolks of Eggs to thicken it, let It not crudle, Garnish it with balls of force Meat, and veal Sweet breads, and Some Scotch Scallops, larded if you please with Bacon, Stuff the other of your Leggs of veal Mith forc'd meat meat balls, and lord it With Thime, Parsly, and roast it brown, And put in the middle of your dish, Garnish Your dish with Lemmon and Barberries. To Make a Dish of Cuttletts Cut a Neck of Mutton bone by bone, and Flat them with a Cleaver or roling pin, then Season them with pepper, Salt, Nut-megg, Grated bred, and a little Parsley minc'd, mixt All together, then boile them on a Grid Iron, then Mince an anchovy with an Oinon, and a little Thime and Parsley, and boile it in a little Thime and Parsley, and boile it in a little Strong broth, White wine and a few Capers a Little Nut-megg, and the juice of a Lemmon And half a pound of butter, (let your Sawce be Thick) or you may use only gravy sauce with An Anchovy and the juice of a Lemmon. To Make Custards. To a Quart of Cream put 8 Eggs, and leave out 5 of the whites, beat your Eggs well, and Then put in your Sugar to them, and beats Both together, then mix it with your Cream, And put a little rosewater to it and Strain It through a Scive. To
Boile these on a Grid Iron, then cut the Other part of the head into thin braod Slices And Stew it in a Pint of Strong broth, and Halfe a pint of White wine, Season it with Pepper, Salt, Nutmegg, Cloves and Mace, 2 Anchovies a little Thime, an Oinon Stuck With Cloves, the juice of a Lemmon, and when Its Stewed tender, put in halfe a pound of Butter, and 5 yolks of Eggs to thicken it, let It not crudle, Garnish it with balls of force Meat, and veal Sweet breads, and Some Scotch Scallops, larded if you please with Bacon, Stuff the other of your Leggs of veal Mith forc'd meat meat balls, and lord it With Thime, Parsly, and roast it brown, And put in the middle of your dish, Garnish Your dish with Lemmon and Barberries. To Make a Dish of Cuttletts Cut a Neck of Mutton bone by bone, and Flat them with a Cleaver or roling pin, then Season them with pepper, Salt, Nut-megg, Grated bred, and a little Parsley minc'd, mixt All together, then boile them on a Grid Iron, then Mince an anchovy with an Oinon, and a little Thime and Parsley, and boile it in a little Thime and Parsley, and boile it in a little Strong broth, White wine and a few Capers a Little Nut-megg, and the juice of a Lemmon And half a pound of butter, (let your Sawce be Thick) or you may use only gravy sauce with An Anchovy and the juice of a Lemmon. To Make Custards. To a Quart of Cream put 8 Eggs, and leave out 5 of the whites, beat your Eggs well, and Then put in your Sugar to them, and beats Both together, then mix it with your Cream, And put a little rosewater to it and Strain It through a Scive. To
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks