Ann Larimer letters to husband John, February-July 1865
03_1865-02-17-Page 03
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I do not know what is the matter with him. he cries all the time. John, you know I never thought we would save him, so puny & always something wrong with him. If any child comes here to play half a day, he is sick abed for two or three days after. This is the 22nd day of feb. I commenced writing my letter last week but the chilldren have been so crass and so much trouble that I could not write day times & nights I have been trying to catch a little time to sleep, - - but they went to bed early to night & now if they sleep long enough I will finish my letter. -1 say "they" for when Eddie wakes me up he gives me so mutch fuss that it gets her awake, but if she is well, she is a good child, she will play by the hour by her self with her doll babies, rory and Jacob ann, that is her babies' names, she wanted me to tell pa that she wanted him to come home & bring her a pretty baby for rory has got a hole in her nose, "and ma, tell him I will sleep with him & hug him & kiss him ever so mutch." Mary came over yesterday, went to town today. She has had a letter from Chariton lately. Grand Mother is living at Hughs. Lize is working in a factory in Autummwa. Elies & them could not agree. Elies's two oldest chilldren are dead, have one liveing. I think he must be a strange son to turn off mother & sister, I heard to day that Burgon & Hank are going to bring on goods in pardnership, and that Jake Walters's brother's widow is going to bring on a store, if so, quincy will be well provided for stores. Mary has got a rocking chair, gave 6.00 for it & has brought two table clothes, gave 10.00 for them, she is looking foreward to house keeping next fall.
I do not know what is the matter with him. he cries all the time. John, you know I never thought we would save him, so puny & always something wrong with him. If any child comes here to play half a day, he is sick abed for two or three days after. This is the 22nd day of feb. I commenced writing my letter last week but the chilldren have been so crass and so much trouble that I could not write day times & nights I have been trying to catch a little time to sleep, - - but they went to bed early to night & now if they sleep long enough I will finish my letter. -1 say "they" for when Eddie wakes me up he gives me so mutch fuss that it gets her awake, but if she is well, she is a good child, she will play by the hour by her self with her doll babies, rory and Jacob ann, that is her babies' names, she wanted me to tell pa that she wanted him to come home & bring her a pretty baby for rory has got a hole in her nose, "and ma, tell him I will sleep with him & hug him & kiss him ever so mutch." Mary came over yesterday, went to town today. She has had a letter from Chariton lately. Grand Mother is living at Hughs. Lize is working in a factory in Autummwa. Elies & them could not agree. Elies's two oldest chilldren are dead, have one liveing. I think he must be a strange son to turn off mother & sister, I heard to day that Burgon & Hank are going to bring on goods in pardnership, and that Jake Walters's brother's widow is going to bring on a store, if so, quincy will be well provided for stores. Mary has got a rocking chair, gave 6.00 for it & has brought two table clothes, gave 10.00 for them, she is looking foreward to house keeping next fall.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries