English cookbook, 1799
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7 To Make Goosberry Wine Take goosberrys beat them in a marble mortar measure them up heap'd quarts of goosberrys, add two quarts of water to one quart of goosberry up heap'd, let them stand all night or twelve hours then press out the husks very well strain them through an open strainer and to every gallon put 3 pds of sugar and a gill of Brandy then put all into a Barrel not very full and keep it very close for four months then strain it off till it comes clear then put out the grounds and wash the barrel clean with a little wine and add to every gallon one pound of sugar then let it stand a month in the barrel a gain and drop the grounds to the other in the Barrel - To Make Ginger Wine To 16 quarts of water put 10 pds of Loaf Sugar into a pan when cold with the whites of 3 eggs beat, and one quarter of a pound of ginger well beat and tyed in a muslin bag let it boil 15 minutes skimming it all the time put it into an earthen pot to foment, when a bout new milk warm, add 2 spoons of yeast let it foment 2 or 3 days, then put it in a [flask?] with the peel of 7 seville oranges and 1/2 a [?]. lemons, the pulp must be prest through a cloth the juice [is added?], a little Isingglass and 5 pints of the best Brandy. let stand 2 months before it be bottled. given by Miss Bulmer
7 To Make Goosberry Wine Take goosberrys beat them in a marble mortar measure them up heap'd quarts of goosberrys, add two quarts of water to one quart of goosberry up heap'd, let them stand all night or twelve hours then press out the husks very well strain them through an open strainer and to every gallon put 3 pds of sugar and a gill of Brandy then put all into a Barrel not very full and keep it very close for four months then strain it off till it comes clear then put out the grounds and wash the barrel clean with a little wine and add to every gallon one pound of sugar then let it stand a month in the barrel a gain and drop the grounds to the other in the Barrel - To Make Ginger Wine To 16 quarts of water put 10 pds of Loaf Sugar into a pan when cold with the whites of 3 eggs beat, and one quarter of a pound of ginger well beat and tyed in a muslin bag let it boil 15 minutes skimming it all the time put it into an earthen pot to foment, when a bout new milk warm, add 2 spoons of yeast let it foment 2 or 3 days, then put it in a [flask?] with the peel of 7 seville oranges and 1/2 a [?]. lemons, the pulp must be prest through a cloth the juice [is added?], a little Isingglass and 5 pints of the best Brandy. let stand 2 months before it be bottled. given by Miss Bulmer
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks