English cookbook, 1799
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2 To make white Rasin Wine To every Gallon of Water, take 4 pd of Rasins of the Sun stalks and all just as they come out of the Cask and shred them small and put them in an open Vessell and pour the Water cold upon them let it stand 10 or 12 days stirring it 2 or 3 times a day, it will work up to the top; keep it cover'd close with a Carpet or Blanket then strain it hard through a hair sive or Cours Cloth, and tun it into the Cask; when it has stood a day or two put to every eight or ten Gallons and a handful of dryd Clary flowers stalks and leaves altogether; When it gives over hissing stop it close up, it will be fine in 6 or 8 weeks according to the Quality so bottle it off it will keep if you please 7- years. Damson Wine Take three Quarts of Damsons put them in an Earthen Pot, pour to them 6 Quarts of boiling water, then it must stand till the water is cold and afterwards bruise the Damsons well with your hands. Put to them 2 lbs of raisins of the sun, and 2 lb of Sugar stop them up close and so let them stand by a fire 44 hours then strain them thro' a Jelly Bag and add a lb of sugar and let it stand a day and then bottle it Mrs Harrisons Receipt for making Red or White Currant Wine To one Gallon of Juice put two Gallons of Cold Water, 3 lbs of Sugar to every Gallon let it stand in the Cask 3 Months, then Bottle it off, putting a Lump or two of Sugar in every Bottle and taking care to have good corks a pint of Brandy to every two Gallons - - - To Make Clary Wine - [Ly. Malton?] Take 10 Gallons of water put to it 25 pound of powder sugar or lump sugar & the whites of 8 or 10 eggs, boil it an hour scuming it very well, then put it into a Tub till tis cold then take half a Bushel (that is 16 quarts) of Clary in the Blossoms, the tops and small leaves together and put them into a Barrel with five or six spoonfulls of yeast put the Liquor in, and stir it often till it has done [illegible] then stop it up close & keep it till it is Clear which will be in 3 months
2 To make white Rasin Wine To every Gallon of Water, take 4 pd of Rasins of the Sun stalks and all just as they come out of the Cask and shred them small and put them in an open Vessell and pour the Water cold upon them let it stand 10 or 12 days stirring it 2 or 3 times a day, it will work up to the top; keep it cover'd close with a Carpet or Blanket then strain it hard through a hair sive or Cours Cloth, and tun it into the Cask; when it has stood a day or two put to every eight or ten Gallons and a handful of dryd Clary flowers stalks and leaves altogether; When it gives over hissing stop it close up, it will be fine in 6 or 8 weeks according to the Quality so bottle it off it will keep if you please 7- years. Damson Wine Take three Quarts of Damsons put them in an Earthen Pot, pour to them 6 Quarts of boiling water, then it must stand till the water is cold and afterwards bruise the Damsons well with your hands. Put to them 2 lbs of raisins of the sun, and 2 lb of Sugar stop them up close and so let them stand by a fire 44 hours then strain them thro' a Jelly Bag and add a lb of sugar and let it stand a day and then bottle it Mrs Harrisons Receipt for making Red or White Currant Wine To one Gallon of Juice put two Gallons of Cold Water, 3 lbs of Sugar to every Gallon let it stand in the Cask 3 Months, then Bottle it off, putting a Lump or two of Sugar in every Bottle and taking care to have good corks a pint of Brandy to every two Gallons - - - To Make Clary Wine - [Ly. Malton?] Take 10 Gallons of water put to it 25 pound of powder sugar or lump sugar & the whites of 8 or 10 eggs, boil it an hour scuming it very well, then put it into a Tub till tis cold then take half a Bushel (that is 16 quarts) of Clary in the Blossoms, the tops and small leaves together and put them into a Barrel with five or six spoonfulls of yeast put the Liquor in, and stir it often till it has done [illegible] then stop it up close & keep it till it is Clear which will be in 3 months
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks