Letters to Ellen Mowrer Miller from Sarah, 1869-1905
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This Rev Johnson deplores the growing use of slang among old & young. He says it has a tendancy to lower the thoughts instead of building the mind up to higher & nobler mental strain as the proper use of words do. Herschel & I would go some to Angus to church & on one occasion Rev Homer Fletcher after sermon gave the young folks a talk on gossip. Told them why they were doing so - then advised them what to do to help them out of such an unenviable habit - it was good - very good. It rained here on the evening of the third. the fourth here is a nice day overhead pretty warm. Ellen had an enjoyable time going West. Says Uncle Nathan & Aunt Laura were so kind to here & such good company too - & those people that they stayed with that is Aunt Laura's brother's family - they treated her with so much kindness & consideration the sights, scenes & scenery of nature
This Rev Johnson deplores the growing use of slang among old & young. He says it has a tendancy to lower the thoughts instead of building the mind up to higher & nobler mental strain as the proper use of words do. Herschel & I would go some to Angus to church & on one occasion Rev Homer Fletcher after sermon gave the young folks a talk on gossip. Told them why they were doing so - then advised them what to do to help them out of such an unenviable habit - it was good - very good. It rained here on the evening of the third. the fourth here is a nice day overhead pretty warm. Ellen had an enjoyable time going West. Says Uncle Nathan & Aunt Laura were so kind to here & such good company too - & those people that they stayed with that is Aunt Laura's brother's family - they treated her with so much kindness & consideration the sights, scenes & scenery of nature
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries