Letters to Ellen Mowrer Miller from Sarah, 1869-1905
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come useful in the Geography & History classes in reading too. Ellen is well satisfied with the trip - Washington Irving spoke the truth when he said - never need an American look beyond his own country for the sublime & beautiful of natural scenery. Ellen & Kate both taught school last winter. Kate taught the home school - Ellen taught at the old Heater school house last winter & this spring term - Kate taught there two terms just prior to Ellen's teaching - our garden is somewhat neglected. I do not like to see so much grass in it but I will obey the girls not to work in it till they come home. Oat's crop will be heavy here if it can be saved. The corn plant looks well
come useful in the Geography & History classes in reading too. Ellen is well satisfied with the trip - Washington Irving spoke the truth when he said - never need an American look beyond his own country for the sublime & beautiful of natural scenery. Ellen & Kate both taught school last winter. Kate taught the home school - Ellen taught at the old Heater school house last winter & this spring term - Kate taught there two terms just prior to Ellen's teaching - our garden is somewhat neglected. I do not like to see so much grass in it but I will obey the girls not to work in it till they come home. Oat's crop will be heavy here if it can be saved. The corn plant looks well
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries