Mary Carnegie and Susan Gillespie cookbook, 1804-1905
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Wines Raisin Wine English receipt To 2 Scottch pints or an English Gallon of water put 7 libs of Malaga raisins picked and chopt. Boil and Skim the Liquor and put in to every 20 Gallons a qur pound of Worcester Hops. Strain it and pour it boiling hot upon the fruit. Lett is stand in the Tub 10 or 12 days stirring it frequently press or Squeeze the Liquor from the fruit putt it in the Cask and let it stand a year - if more than 10 Gallons it should stand 2 years Ginger Wine To half an Anker - take 5 Ounces of Ginger beat not very fine - a Dozn of Lemons or Lemon and Oranges mixed if they can be had - put on the Ginger with 8 pints of water and 5 lib of fair raw Sugar - when it has boiled a little put in the juice of the fruit - let it boil in all about half an hour - pour it into a Tub to cool put three pints of proof Spirits Rum Whisky or Brandy into a cask with the parings of the fruit when the Syrup is Cold put it in Bung up the Cask and let it stand till it is very clear which will be in 4 or 5 weeks - rinse the
Wines Raisin Wine English receipt To 2 Scottch pints or an English Gallon of water put 7 libs of Malaga raisins picked and chopt. Boil and Skim the Liquor and put in to every 20 Gallons a qur pound of Worcester Hops. Strain it and pour it boiling hot upon the fruit. Lett is stand in the Tub 10 or 12 days stirring it frequently press or Squeeze the Liquor from the fruit putt it in the Cask and let it stand a year - if more than 10 Gallons it should stand 2 years Ginger Wine To half an Anker - take 5 Ounces of Ginger beat not very fine - a Dozn of Lemons or Lemon and Oranges mixed if they can be had - put on the Ginger with 8 pints of water and 5 lib of fair raw Sugar - when it has boiled a little put in the juice of the fruit - let it boil in all about half an hour - pour it into a Tub to cool put three pints of proof Spirits Rum Whisky or Brandy into a cask with the parings of the fruit when the Syrup is Cold put it in Bung up the Cask and let it stand till it is very clear which will be in 4 or 5 weeks - rinse the
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks