Mary Carnegie and Susan Gillespie cookbook, 1804-1905
Page 21
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Bread Soup - 21 Take the bottom crust of a penny loaf cut off thin - put it into a quart of water and let it boil with a little mace and [Cinnamon?] stirring it on a slow fire till the crust is almost dissolved. then pour it off and add a glass of port wine and sugar to your taste - Apple Pudding without Eggs - Boil some rice with a little milk very stiff - the apples a little - put the rice into a shape and the apples in the middle and boil it till they are sufficiently done neither butter nor eggs are required but a good deal of Lemon grating to season it. The sauce melted butter or [candles?] Plain Suet Pudding of Mrs. M.S. To every pound of flour one quarter pound of suet some ginger and salt - mix altogether well with some water and beat it smooth make it stiffer than pancake batter or like thick dough. Tie it up in a cloth and let it boil for 3 hours at least - a pound of flour makes a middling size pudding
Bread Soup - 21 Take the bottom crust of a penny loaf cut off thin - put it into a quart of water and let it boil with a little mace and [Cinnamon?] stirring it on a slow fire till the crust is almost dissolved. then pour it off and add a glass of port wine and sugar to your taste - Apple Pudding without Eggs - Boil some rice with a little milk very stiff - the apples a little - put the rice into a shape and the apples in the middle and boil it till they are sufficiently done neither butter nor eggs are required but a good deal of Lemon grating to season it. The sauce melted butter or [candles?] Plain Suet Pudding of Mrs. M.S. To every pound of flour one quarter pound of suet some ginger and salt - mix altogether well with some water and beat it smooth make it stiffer than pancake batter or like thick dough. Tie it up in a cloth and let it boil for 3 hours at least - a pound of flour makes a middling size pudding
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks