Mary Carnegie and Susan Gillespie cookbook, 1804-1905
Page 86
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86 Oyster Sausages - Take an equal quantity of veal and Suet and Oysters, pound the meat and Suet wipe the Oysters, dry them & chop them & add them to the meat well seasoned with salt and pepper, & some bread crumbs Mix them up with an Egg, roll them in flour & fry them in boiling lard. ([Colney?]) Baked apple Pudding - Stew the apples and rub them thro' a searce - add a table spoonfull of flour, 3 eggs well beaten, a little milk, sugar and spice to your taste, line the Pie dish with crust, & bake it till sufficiently done, it ought to be very light, [illegible] out of the Dish, & sent up quite hot. green gooseberry Pudding is very good Made in the same way - ([Colney?]) a good sized pudding can be made with one egg
86 Oyster Sausages - Take an equal quantity of veal and Suet and Oysters, pound the meat and Suet wipe the Oysters, dry them & chop them & add them to the meat well seasoned with salt and pepper, & some bread crumbs Mix them up with an Egg, roll them in flour & fry them in boiling lard. ([Colney?]) Baked apple Pudding - Stew the apples and rub them thro' a searce - add a table spoonfull of flour, 3 eggs well beaten, a little milk, sugar and spice to your taste, line the Pie dish with crust, & bake it till sufficiently done, it ought to be very light, [illegible] out of the Dish, & sent up quite hot. green gooseberry Pudding is very good Made in the same way - ([Colney?]) a good sized pudding can be made with one egg
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks