Ellen Mowrer Miller letters to William John, 1864
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5 Oats and Corn looks very nice I guess there will be alarge crop of Oats corn on the old farm looks very nice. how is Grace are they well I talked to her at John Millers we had supper at Johns Millers and had to hurry to the train and then we had to wait a while. next Thursday the Ladies Missionary Society quilt three quilts to send to India I do not know what else they are going to make. I went to church yesterday and it was very warm.
5 Oats and Corn looks very nice I guess there will be alarge crop of Oats corn on the old farm looks very nice. how is Grace are they well I talked to her at John Millers we had supper at Johns Millers and had to hurry to the train and then we had to wait a while. next Thursday the Ladies Missionary Society quilt three quilts to send to India I do not know what else they are going to make. I went to church yesterday and it was very warm.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries