Correspondence between Ellen Mowrer Miller and Albert, 1875-1875 and 1903
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Dear [Albert] I still want to keep you in [illegible] so I thought I would write you a few lines telling how we are getting along. All weel at presant hope you and [illegible] folks at home are all enjoy that one great blessing healh: THe weather has it not been very nice & I think it is almost perfect but I think that it will get colder now. I hear the wind up among the trees tops. If it would dry up the mud Well ALbert think of the news this cat I spoke of in my last letter has returned as in others [illegible] [illegible] [illegible] has passed away never
Dear [Albert] I still want to keep you in [illegible] so I thought I would write you a few lines telling how we are getting along. All weel at presant hope you and [illegible] folks at home are all enjoy that one great blessing healh: THe weather has it not been very nice & I think it is almost perfect but I think that it will get colder now. I hear the wind up among the trees tops. If it would dry up the mud Well ALbert think of the news this cat I spoke of in my last letter has returned as in others [illegible] [illegible] [illegible] has passed away never
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries