Letters to Ellen Mowrer Miller from Milton, 1878-1879
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have a lawyer - There is no danger of his imprisonment I hope[.] Eldridge has gone to Atlantic City in some kind of business think confectionary. Mrs. Harris is down on Frank Robinson - like Beek "Can't like 'em" for what reason I don't know = perhaps she gives credence to some other young fellows who are a little envious - The weather is delightful today - so much like May = We can enjoy such pleasant weather - for all through the month of April the weather was damp, rainy chilly and in excessively disagreable[.] The trees in the parks begin to shoot leaves and the grass in these places is about six seven inches in length looking very inviting for those who feel like lounging - Well Ellie hoping to hear soon from you I remain [truly?] Your Affectionate brother Milton My love to all
have a lawyer - There is no danger of his imprisonment I hope[.] Eldridge has gone to Atlantic City in some kind of business think confectionary. Mrs. Harris is down on Frank Robinson - like Beek "Can't like 'em" for what reason I don't know = perhaps she gives credence to some other young fellows who are a little envious - The weather is delightful today - so much like May = We can enjoy such pleasant weather - for all through the month of April the weather was damp, rainy chilly and in excessively disagreable[.] The trees in the parks begin to shoot leaves and the grass in these places is about six seven inches in length looking very inviting for those who feel like lounging - Well Ellie hoping to hear soon from you I remain [truly?] Your Affectionate brother Milton My love to all
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries