To Ellen Mowrer Miller from friends, Boone County, Iowa, 1868-1887
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Central City Cal April 23th/66 Miss Mower, I received your very welcome answer to my letter asking for the privalage of a corresponden ce. I was very much gratified when I learned that you had concluded to grant my request, and I shall there fore avail myself of the privalage. Yet I am rather a poor hand at corresponding, as you will see from my letter, however being out in the far west and far from my home, I crave for something to wile away my leisure hours. for here in this golden region where all who are here came to seek there fortune, there is not much pleasure to be obtained, all seem intent on the one all absorbing aim that is welth. therefore as there is very few parties or balls and as excursions ar impracticable, a young man here has very limited means of enjoying himself in society,
Central City Cal April 23th/66 Miss Mower, I received your very welcome answer to my letter asking for the privalage of a corresponden ce. I was very much gratified when I learned that you had concluded to grant my request, and I shall there fore avail myself of the privalage. Yet I am rather a poor hand at corresponding, as you will see from my letter, however being out in the far west and far from my home, I crave for something to wile away my leisure hours. for here in this golden region where all who are here came to seek there fortune, there is not much pleasure to be obtained, all seem intent on the one all absorbing aim that is welth. therefore as there is very few parties or balls and as excursions ar impracticable, a young man here has very limited means of enjoying himself in society,
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries