To Ellen Mowrer Miller from friends, Boone County, Iowa, 1868-1887
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Wmsport October 24th 1868 My Dear Friend Ellie Your kind and very welcome letter has been long and cruelly neglected by me, but Ellie rest assured it was not through any lack of love nor unkindness for you for I still retain both love and friendship for you and ever shall, it gives me pleasure to think of the pleasant times we had whilst we were together last summer. but Ellie I will explain to you the reason I have not written long ere this, and I know you will pardon me we have had so much company all sum-
Wmsport October 24th 1868 My Dear Friend Ellie Your kind and very welcome letter has been long and cruelly neglected by me, but Ellie rest assured it was not through any lack of love nor unkindness for you for I still retain both love and friendship for you and ever shall, it gives me pleasure to think of the pleasant times we had whilst we were together last summer. but Ellie I will explain to you the reason I have not written long ere this, and I know you will pardon me we have had so much company all sum-
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries